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Grab it for your lovers now!

Pure Care for your Skin

About Housepert

Housepert 本身係一間位於日本大阪的大阪不動產株式会社,但發現呢幾年愈嚟愈多香港人熱衷去日本購物。不過,往往由於時間所限,好容易錯過咗好多優質嘅日本製產品。為咗解決呢個問題,Housepert 決定拓展業務,成立 Housepert Lifestyle,一個專門為你搜羅期間限定商品,同埋可能只有當地人先識嘅日本品牌。無論你係揀生日禮物、入伙禮物、聖誕禮物,定係新年禮物,Housepert Lifestyle 一定會幫你搵到啱心水嘅選擇。無論係送禮定係自用,我哋嘅精選產品都會為你帶來無與倫比嘅滿足感。

Housepert, a real estate company from Japan, noticed Hong Kongers coming to Japan for shopping but missing out on great Japan made products due to limited time. To help, Housepert launched Housepert Lifestyle, a curated platform for exclusive items and hidden gems from unknown Japanese brands. Find the perfect gift or personal indulgence with us!

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